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Truffle Ice Cream

June 26, 2015

Truffle Ice Cream

truffle ice cream receipe

(From Andre Daguins Recipe)

  1. Boil 3 large well scrubbed Black Truffles in 1 litre of milk for about 1 hour.
  2. In the meantime whisk 8 egg yolks with 250g of sugar.
  3. Drain  dry and trim the Truffles.
  4. Pour the milk over the sugar and egg mixture to make a custard: cook until it forms ribbons when the spoon is lifted, then add the chopped Truffle trimmings.
  5. Allow to cool then leave to set in an Ice Cream maker.
  6. Cut the Truffles into julienne strips. 
  7. Fill tulip glasses with alternate layers of Ice Cream and Truffle, finishing with a decoration of julienne strips.

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